The rain was falling and the grey clouds rolled in off the Indian Ocean towards Woodman Point Recreation Camp in WA, but this did not deter the excited Sports Challenge team and 38 diabetic children from Princess Margaret Hospital. It could have been a scene that Samantha the friendly witch from the ’70s iconic television show Bewitched created for the camp’s theme ‘Woody’s Witches and Warlocks’. There was not a dry eye in sight as the parents left and the children became spell bound by the bewitching nose twitches of the Sports Challenge team including Manager Camilla Milburn, mentors Janelle Treeby and Kate Reeson.
Lights, camera, action! The second day was over flowing with television cameras and news reporters as the children showed off their finest kite flying skills. The beach put on a strong wind for our kites which were lucky to hold up in the face of the roaring forties. With hungry tummies and kites needing some much needed TLC we headed back to camp to find some fine cuisine prepared for our lunch. The afternoon craft session allowed the children to make their best witches hats, creepy spiders and magic wands which were later used to delight the crowd during a fashion parade.
The show didn’t stop there! Newly created witches and warlocks searched high and low for hidden prizes in the treasure hunt. Spiders webs, broomsticks and warlock teeth only accentuating the characters and theme of an eerie camp site with wind howling through the ageing rafters.
The spirit of Woody’s Witches and Warlocks Camp empowered the children to attempt new challenges. Harry Potter had a lot to answer for as these brave kids took their medications into their own hands for the first time. But the time had come after two magic days for the transforming of these witches and warlocks back to reality with so much renewed hope for the future. As the children waved goodbye with their wands in hand and their witches’ hats firmly on their heads, it could not be denied … magic really does happen!
By Janelle Treeby, mentor
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