Lachlan Mann
(Track and Field)
"Never Give Up - Anything is Possible"
Nickname: | Lachie |
Birthday: | |
Birth Place: | Wantirna, Victoria |
Height & Weight: | 194cm, 75kg |
High School: | Brentwood Secondary College |
Occupation: | Student |
Sporting Field: | Track and Field |
Career Highlights: | Representing Victoria |
Favourite Movies: | Coach Carter, Remember the Titans |
Favourite Food: | Mexican |
Favourite Drink: | Gatorade |
Favourite Holiday Destination: | London |
Favourite Music: | The Script |
Hobbies: | Athletics |
Childhood Sporting Hero: | Ussain Bolt & Michael Jordan |
Current Sporting Hero: | Lebron James |
Diet: | |
Biggest Influence: | Parents |
Personal Ambition(s): | Become a PE Teacher |
Other Sports: | Track, AFL |