A Parent Email – Highlighting the inclusive nature of the Sports Challenge Program

From: JFM [mailto:__________________.com.au]
Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2010 11:22 AM
To: Craig _________
Subject: Sports Challenge
Dear Craig,
I am writing to let you know how happy I have been that (school name omitted) incorporated the Sports Challenge during winter to cater for the less sporty chaps.  ________has been so much happier about the sports/PE challenges since this was instituted.  At this point his dyspraxia holds him back and a negative attitude has made things even worse and hard for him to deal with.  The sports challenge program with the emphasis on personal improvement rather than competition certainly caters much more to ________ needs. 
I am very hopeful that a similar program is continued as I know there are a number of boys that can benefit, then _______ does not feel so singled out either.  I will continue with additional help outside school as I have been.  The support and back up of the school is essential for ________ and I have noticed small but positive steps in the right direction.