Reading the Cheshire Cat’s words to Alice (Lewis Carroll): “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

These are words which motivated new Kelmscott Principal Jason Bushe-Jones to reach out to Sports Challenge CEO Dr Garry Tester to help set a new cultural direction for the school, with aspirations and expectations for staff, students and families to build a new road map towards successful educational outcomes.
Through a carefully designed full day workshop with all staff, P&C and school Council an inspirational Charter was developed with the values and behaviours that staff, families, students and community stakeholders can demonstrate as the new Kelmscott Primary way.

The new Charter signed by all takes proud places around the school and every family and staff member has received a credit card size Charter emphasising the importance of these new desired behaviours in building a proud culture.
One of the first initiatives from the Charter has been building the Physical Health of the students. Sports Challenge tested the whole school in fitness and has provided full family reports showing each child’s performance against the school mean by age and gender, along with comparisons to Australia wide means.

The results have been a stimulus and a commitment by PE Specialists Mike Donahue to build improved fitness for all students with the support of teachers inside the school gate and with families outside the school gate.
Now the words of Lewis Carroll have been transformed to a lazer like direction on building the desired culture for all, while building improved fitness as one of the key building blocks to Kelmscott Primary School’s educational outcomes in 2021 and onwards.