The benefits of good objective fitness data has been exemplified at Kelmscott Primary School in 2022 with an overall improvement across the whole school of an excellent 9%. With a new school Charter of Values and Behaviours introduced at the start of 2021, with an objective of fitter and healthier children, Mike Donohue (P.E. Specialist) embarked on a laser like program of improvement.

Mike introduced Daily P.E. with the full support of all teachers to build back the key components of fitness: strength, speed, power, endurance, and flexibility. In each of his P.E. lessons there has been key activities to ensure all students heart rates are increased and they learn to stretch effectively in every lesson. This is also included in the 20-minute daily P.E. lessons which has resulted in a 15% improvement in the reach and stretch test (distance past toes).

Having the Sports Challenge objective data available with Individual take home family reports has allowed a total school ownership of the gains the students are making. Families are now getting their sons and daughters involved in physical activity outside the school gate as they are now receiving a report which is easily understood, and this has been the catalyst for the improvement in Fitness.
Finally, the tracking data provided to the school reinforced how well the students have improved from 2021 to 2022 , with the same students tracked over a 12-month period, with significant improvements across all cohorts.