Lyndale Greens Shines in Victoria

This program we found ourselves back at Lyndale Greens Primary School for the second consecutive year. As per last year, we delivered the focus program with great assistance from Lyndale’s welfare co-ordinator John Bowles.
 Although we generally have a fantastic time at every school, there is something special about the kids at Lyndale. Many of them (particularly the ones who were selected for the program) come from difficult circumstances in their home lives, ranging from disadvantaged to just plain tragic. I always feel like their enthusiasm and unassuming attitudes towards the program is symbolic of how much it means to them to have positive mentors in their lives. People who care about them and want to see them succeed in life.
 The kids fully immersed themselves in the program (their favourites team activities were toxic waste and swamp crossing) and relished the opportunity to all be leaders at different times.
 My personal highlight of the program was the presentations during our last session where John organised for parents of the children, as well as senior staff members to attend and watch the kids receive their awards. It was heart warming to see these kids get some public recognition for their efforts.
 We look forward to going back next year!