Manning Primary School Fires Up on Fitness

Manning Primary School
Fitness Testing developed by Sports Challenge Australia’s CEO Dr Garry Tester has been used successfully at Manning Primary School in Western Australia over the past 3 years.
With Physical Education teacher Wendy Beckham passionate about improving the fitness levels of all students, the teaching staff and the Parents Association fully supportive, a fitness track has been installed and the school has embarked upon Daily Fitness For All.

Children completing the 12 minute run.
Children completing the 12 minute run.

In 2009, school fitness levels were average or below average when compared to Dr Tester’s Australian National means, from 32,000 students tested since 1982.
These scores were the catalyst to have everyone committed to having healthier children with positive attitudes towards their own fitness and health in the Manning Community.
Now in 2012, all students are within the acceptable range for their age and gender and there has been a 12% improvement in overall fitness scores. As Wendy Beckham explained, “Having the Sports Challenge team measure our fitness against the rest of Australia in 2009 gave us a wakeup call to do something about our children’s health. It is now a delight teaching our students, as they can’t wait to get outside for daily PE, playtime, lunch time activities and sport. Thank you Sports Challenge!”