After driving three hours east from Perth into the heart of wheat and sheep country lies the town of Merredin. This is the electorate of MLA Julian Grills where he was linked with the term ‘Royalties for Regions’ channelling government funds into regional W.A. to upgrade infrastructure.
He can be reassured after Sports Challenge has recently completed a number of programs in Merredin schools for baseline fitness and skill testing, life skill programs at the primary and secondary schools, along with a leadership program at the high school.
Under the guidance of Kath Ward, principal of the secondary school, 14 potential leaders were put through their paces by mentors former Australian Women’s Hockey player Jo Morton (now married to a local farmer), Soccer player Kieran McDowell, Health Science and International sailer Lori Black and AFL Umpire Richard Heptinstall.
The students were measured on their Emotional Intelligence, Time Management Resilience and all showed clearly they have enormous potential to lead the community of Merredin in years to come. With a new super school seen to be constructed, amalgamating all primary and secondary students on one campus the need to retain the future leaders in the community is paramount.
Each student has been linked to their mentor on the Sports Challenge website called e-pals to galvanise the established relationship and to provide ongoing support and advice (24×7).
As the weary mentors drove back past the golden canola fields towards Perth each one new they had made a real contribution to this wonderful town and if these potential leaders can stay Merredin has a bright future.
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