With the support of Tenix Australia, Sports Challenge has expanded its world-class self-esteem program to the rural Victorian town of Geelong.
Geelong East Primary School is a school that our Programs Coordinator Deanna Smith holds close to her heart after being a teacher there before taking up her current position at Sports Challenge Australia in Perth.
Tenix are a large gas and electricity company based in Laverton and are heavily involved in the Geelong area. It was a fantastic fit for Tenix to get on board and support the Geelong East Primary School program, as they are keen to add value to the community that they work in and demonstrate their corporate citizenship.
The program mentors Lachie Mann, Tiarne Hill and Andrew Diviny did a wonderful job working with the students and the feedback from the program suggests that it is one of the most successful Victorian programs ever!
The program saw students emerged in cognitive skills from within their personal learning journals and hands on experiential learning activities that were challenging yet achievable.
It is interesting to note from our self-esteem database from over 33,000 students, that in the age group of Year’s 4-6, many children have difficulty developing relationships with other students. The Geelong East Primary School Sports Challenge program was implemented to assist students to develop such relationship building skills as communication, conflict resolution and team work as well as to build their own confidence and resilience.
Parallel to the focus program, all Year 5/6 students undertook an intensive goal setting session with the Sports Challenge mentors and in third term we will do a return visit to follow up and see if these students have achieved their goals.
The Geelong East PS program concluded with a large assembly at the end of Term 2 and the participants all being recognised for their wonderful achievements over the program in front of their peers and family. Programs Coordinator Deanna Smith flew in from Perth to share in the celebrations along with special guest Marco Lupacchini, Tenix General Manager of Finance and the Sports Challenge mentors.
It was fantastic to see how far the students had come in terms of their changes in attitude and behaviours and we look forward to returning next term to follow up and hear how well they are travelling on their new journey in life.