Sports Challenge thanks the following sponsors for their valued ongoing support.
Sports Challenge is a non-profit public benevolent organisation and therefore relies on the generosity that the following organisations provide. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in becoming a Sports Challenge supporter/sponsor.
Daniels Printing Craftsmen
Through the valuable support of Daniels Printing Craftsmen, all pre-press scans and preparation are provided to ensure first class production of all professional stationery and promotional materials, including Sports Challenge presentation folders and posters presented to program participants

FMG Fortescue Metals Group
Fortescue Metals Group has partnered with Sports Challenge Australia in South Hedland to deliver sustainable programs to improve the Physical and Mental Health of the most vulnerable children in the local community.

With the wonderful generosity of the Spudshed stores of Jandakot and Bentley since 2019, Sports Challenge has been able to provide fresh fruit and vegetables and take home nutritional meals to the most vulnerable children and their families. These families from the marginalised communities have now seen their children grow with improved physical and mental health. Thank you Spudshed for your ongoing support.

Provides training opportunities for our corporate training arm Australian Corporate Challenge which generates funds for Sports Challenge.

Singapore Airlines

St. George Foundation
The St. George Foundation has provided funds for programs in Campbelltown, Minto, Ingleburn and Liverpool, South/West New South Wales, and now in Western Australia for the most needy children in our communities. A successful experiential (hands on) mentoring program, engaging all key stakeholders has improved the life skills, resilience and health of disadvantaged young people, as they make their way through life’s uncertain journey.